Our story is one of perseverance, trust, faith and a whole lot of humility. When we began this journey, we didn't know what the outcome would be. We threw our thoughts and ideas into the world to see where they would land, not expecting to be catapulted to where we are today. Over the years, our business has changed shape and therefore its nature. We always intended to be malleable because we know that being flexible is a requirement for success. And so, as we continue to grow and change, we find new perspectives while aiming to shift into the intended destiny for our business. 

While our primary focus has been hosting weddings that was never our original goal - we somewhat fell into hosting. The joy never ceases to amaze us when a couple joins their friends and family to celebrate the beauty of marriage. The overwhelming love permeating the space makes it feel tangible. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for the couples that have partnered with us over the years. 

Our story has so many intricate details, it has become a fun story to tell. So much beauty has blossomed from the literal blood, sweat and tears it took to build what Gathered is today. As we continue to listen to our hearts, we will evolve and change, but our primary focus remains the same. To show people through that we love and honour them. We wear our hearts on our sleeve and push ourselves to grow. We continue to approach everything we do with humility and pride.

Are we proud of what we’ve built? Heck yeah! Do we think we do it well? Absolutely.

When you're willing to learn and grow, let me tell you, anything is possible. In the end, we are being obedient to our calling.  

Our Story

launched the website
hosted our first weddings
filmed our video

We’re often asked, “How did this come about?” The answer is really simple, we were looking for something that fulfilled our passions and we took a massive leap of faith. Gathered is not a lifelong dream that has been put into motion, but rather a collection of dreams harboured deep in our spirits that just happened to present itself in this particular way. Every little piece of design, from the oven that golden sourdough emerges from, to the paint colours and even the herbs in the dishes are all little threads of our dreams working their way into creating a bigger tapestry. It could certainly be duplicated but the authenticity comes because it’s a reflection of who we are.

We are natural-born hosts, it just comes instinctively.

We saw a need and we worked towards filling that gap. With our ideas and dreams tucked in place, we set out to create a space that allowed couples the opportunity to see their ultimate ‘Pinterest Wedding’ boards come to life.

Our story is as simple as that.

We already lived on the property that held the beauty of the prairies. We would gaze upon the Albertan sunsets, the golden fields, endless rainbows and storm clouds that would take our breath away. We knew that we needed to share the prairies with others, so we combined the view and our love of food to create something magical.


rebuilt our kitchen & Washrooms
hosted a slew of weddings


You know it-more weddings
Built our garden cottage
hosted events & shoots
worked out a lot of kinks


moved way too many weddings
expiriemented with other events
the best year of gardens


it's who we are

Like any good

At the end of the day, our focus is on the hearts of those we partner with. Whether it be a couple looking to begin their lives together, or a farmer looking to grow their business, we take that very seriously. We did not set out on this journey to collect awards or followers. Instead, we want to collect memories and moments with those in the community we are slowly building around us.

Do we claim to be perfect or the best? Definitely not. But what we lack we make up for in extreme passion. Our goal is and always will be to make a difference in the lives of those whom we have the honour of partnering with. 

welcome to our messy, rewarding, victorious journey... 

 we hope you will stay awhile. 

MEET Elaine


Founder - Chef - Gardener - Heart
behind the Gathered

Elaine has always had a heart to gather people. Her vision behind the company goes hand in hand with her life motto; to make people feel welcomed, loved and nourished. She has raised 5 children to know the value of community and the importance of the dinner table; something she’s held onto from her childhood. 


MEET Alysa


Founder - Dreamer - Maker

As a young girl, Alysa has always dreamed of being on a farm. Her heartbeat is to live a simple, romanticized  life where creativity thrives. Alysa dreams up the ideas for the business and creates a design around them. You will find her always moving the business forward, and she will not stop until the details are complete with a personal touch.


true love


We love local
we create from scratch
we use veggies from our garden

You know that moment when all creation aligns and you think wow this is exactly what I was born to do? 

That's how we feel about food. 

check out our blog where we share our hearts about

new to our website...



We are inspired by nature - and all things garden.

We grow almost two acres of a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers. Our goal is to grow things that are completely edible and to not waste anything! 

We grow sunflowers in abundance. 


We love all things family. 

We believe in the importance of family. The kind that makes you crazy, is way too loud but is filled with an overwhelming amount of beautiful moments. 


We are inspired by love. 

We talking about the undeniable love between our couples, we're talking about the love of family and community. We're talking about the overpowering love for yourself and others that changes lives. 

our inspiration

However, we try not to get caught up in the accolades but rather we seek to partner with those who have a similar heart and vision. That being said, we do want to highlight the incredibly hard-working vendors we have had the privilege of working with. So instead, you will see our love for each of the incredible vendors we partner with smattered throughout the site. 

You can find our “in the press” section below. We are grateful for those who included us in their write-ups and humbled to be part of such beautiful pieces of work.


Who are we?

We are a fierce and passionate bunch. We are an authentic, goofy group of people who lean deeply into their creativity., We laugh freely and refuse to take ourselves too seriously. 

We are always rewriting our story to match His story and invite grace to follow us wherever we go. Our group is zany and multi-faceted. We work hard to allow each member to contribute to the design. We tweak and adjust our rhythms, attempting to create the perfect flow, knowing full well we will probably never get there. 

Our group is whimsical and imperfect, with a variety of personalities scattered among us. We take giant leaps, we experiment, we fail forward. But we dust ourselves off and press into the journey. More often than not we feel like pioneers, breaking the mould of boring weddings and events.

We love our space, our land and our property. We only invite those who respect it as much as we do. We are always striving towards restoring this place to its original design, whatever that may look like. 

We believe love carries a frequency and that those around you should be able to feel it. We believe love should be unearned and unmerited. We have a knack for seeing down to the core of who you are and we accept all the good and the bad knowing that you are also on a journey.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel sem eu nisl rutrum tincidunt. 

a great book

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas vel sem eu nisl rutrum tincidunt. 



We are so honoured to partner with Ashley-Dawn from Fiore Fine Events to be our onsite Wedding Manager! Ashley has a passion for people, talent for coordination and a calling to spark meaningful impact. Believing that each moment of your gathering should be intentionally considered to create experiences that inspire.

From the initial consultation, timeline creation, right through to the ball drop, she stands behind seamless and professional execution by ensuring that no decision or final detail is overlooked. It’s a rewarding kind of freedom!

Wedding Manager

master of it all

keeps the boat afloat



Dream Travel Destination: Finland or Switzerland

Most days you can find me: At home with my husband drinking coffee

Favourite Food: Hamburgers

Best reason to work at Gathered: The heart behind community and the love for the couples. I've honestly grown by working there and constantly push myself to grow. 

Dream Travel Destination: Bora Bora or Switzerland

Most days you can find me: At home or hunting for the best coffee!

Favourite Food: Poutine or Cereal

Best reason to work at Gathered: Feels like home away from home.

Meet Team Gathered

we truly have the best team in the world, we would be nothing without them!

 We believe that family is one of the core values of who we are. Our main desire is to promote one another to become the best that we can be, to love one another and always exude kindness.

We believe in the potential of each person we come in contact with, whether that is through our events, the people we partner with, or guests visiting the farm. We treasure the value of community and relationships, believing in taking the time to nurture them. We love making people's dreams come true.

We recognize that the key to success is knowing that everything was created for us and we have the privilege of being caretakers of what we have. We choose to do it well knowing the rewards will be plenty. Our desire is to produce everything with the most natural methods, committing to pursue sustainability in every decision.

We believe in working hard and going the extra mile, serving others well and always having a heart of gratitude, giving people the care and attention they deserve. We are committed to being loyal to our guests, following our hearts and being passionate about what we do.

We believe in gathering together.

our philosophy

GATHERED Copyright 2024

follow us

At the Gathered our desire is to offer a place of peace and hope. We believe in serving our community through purposeful life-giving events. Our heart is to create room at the table for everyone's story. 

about us