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Hi! We're the mother and daughter behind the Gathered. Here, we weave moments of connection and renewal, breathing life into gatherings that uplift spirits and create lasting memories
As we enter into the New Year, we have been reflecting on the past summer and the joy it was to host so many people on our little farm. We really had no idea that people would be drawn to our property in this way. When we first began, we thought weddings would be a side project to our growing vegetable farm. Little did we know that couples would love with our property as much as we do!
We always felt like this was a magical prairie place. With its warm golden hour, tall prairie grasses and breathtaking sunsets. It never ceases to amaze us that we get to be a part of such a magical day in people’s lives.
When we launched in 2017, we made a little makeshift kitchen not realizing how quickly we would outgrow it. This past spring in 2018 we moved that little kitchen shack out into the field and constructed our new work-in-progress kitchen. We were reminiscing about our original kitchen the other day remembering how charming it was and how much we adored it. Building it ourselves with little experience, we felt so proud because it was truly a labour of love. Quickly realizing the first summer that despite the love we had for it, it was just too small. After much debate, we knew that we needed to move into something that better supported the new vision that the Gathered was turning into.
In the winter of last year, we made the decision to build a new kitchen. Complete with indoor washrooms and a place that was wheelchair accessible. We also added a space we refer to as the “Gathering Room.” The Gathering Room will be completed this spring and have the capacity to hold smaller events of about 15-20 people. This space will be a place to bring a group of people together in a relaxed atmosphere for a slow food experience. Weddings are generally a fast-paced event with dinner being served and eaten within the hour. Ideally, our Gathering room will be a slower experience. Serving multiple courses and taking the time to stop and enjoy the flavours and tastes of the farm, while enjoying conversation around the table year-round!
Our old make shift kitchen
Our New Kitchen
Another change this past summer was we added synthetic lawn into the tent. Which allows our guests peace of mind knowing that the tent will now be warmer and dryer. We are absolutely in love with the lawn as it ties in with our original vision of dining under the stars. It keeps a very outdoor feel inside the tent. Our old and beloved “makeshift” kitchen will be turned into a Garden Cottage. This will offer the Bridal Parties a space to wait prior to the ceremony! We also added in a complete coffee and espresso bar as another perk for the property! A huge shoutout to Rosso coffee for taking the time to work with us and train us on making delicious lattes!
We have been so fortunate to partner with such wonderful vendors and artists this year. We feel truly honoured to be so welcomed by the wedding community in the Calgary area. Every day we continue to discover that there really are so many amazing, kind, genuine people in the world! It has been a fun experience to be able to partner with local farmers. Searching out amazing pasture-raised animals that are raised ethically and humanely for all of our guests to enjoy is what we are all about.
In addition to changes around the farm, our family has gone through some amazing changes this year as well. My youngest sister Natalya went off to college. Leaving Elaine and Paul with their last child at home before they become empty nesters! They also welcomed their first grandchild Little Leo Hauser. And it is safe to say they are obsessed with him! Let me just say, my brother Kendall and sister-in-law Breeanna make ridiculously cute babies!
My other sister Mikayla and her husband Cody are also expecting a baby in March. So Gigi Elaine will have a baby to hold in each arm! Family is something that is so important to us and all my siblings have been so supportive in this Gathered journey. We are so blessed to have them cheering us on!
Last but not least, we are extremely thankful to our couples who allowed us to partner with them for the biggest day of their life. To be able to host a couple for their day and provide them with a peaceful relaxing environment. And also feeding them food grown and prepared by our hands warms our souls and is a gift that we will never take for granted. We are so thankful for each of the couples and families that we hosted last summer. We learnt so much from each group. Thank-you to each one of you who allowed us to be part of your big day.
2018 has been such a beautiful year of growth, allowing us to meet with so many amazing people. As we reflect on all the incredible moments we had in 2018, we cannot wait to see what 2019 has in store for us!
Watch me clean my home
GATHERED Copyright 2024
At the Gathered our desire is to offer a place of peace and hope. We believe in serving our community through purposeful life-giving events. Our heart is to create room at the table for everyone's story.
The peoplevthat run this place is the reason why it is such a sought after venue.
Beautiful surroundings but a treasured family. Love you all. So honoured to know you.
Thanks Trinity that is so sweet!!
So proud of you guys!!
Love you
I am very impressed. Would love to be closer to you so I could feel the experience of what you are doing. All the best to you and your family.